The following is a delineation of the prerequisites, requisites, costs, descriptions, and applications of the graduate degree programs.
A) Master Degree Programs
Pre-requisite for Entrance: Master’s Degree Programs are postgraduate programs. Applicants must possess an earned Bachelor’s Degree in the same or an equivalent major as the graduate program for which application for entrance is being made (or they may be required to take courses). This is not true for the M.Div. where a Bachelor’s degree in any major is acceptable.
The following lists of curricula are guides. Other courses may be substituted as long as the balance of types of courses is maintained in majors and minors with the approval of the Dean.
Degree Requirements: All students regardless of degree must take the two basic courses I & II Thessalonians {6 Credit Hours} (Preparing and Writing Thesis.)
Master of Divinity (M.Div.): Ninety-one (90) total credit hours, consisting of thirty (30) credits in the Biblical field, twenty-four (24) credits in the Academic field and eighteen (18) credits in the Practical field with some being electives (72 credit classroom hours), and a Pastoral Internship (18 credit hours).
All other Master degree programs: Sixty (60) total credit hours, consisting of ten (10) assigned courses (30 credit hours), three (3) electives (9 credit hours) one (1) Internship course (3 credit hours), and research and thesis (18 credit hours).
Christian Clinical Counseling: adds thirty (30) credits in courses to the above total as outlined below for a total of ninety (90) credit hours.
Thesis: A twelve thousand, five hundred word (12,500) thesis project of about fifty (50) pages 8 ½ X 11 twelve (12) point double-spaced on typewriter or computer. These eighteen (18) credit hours consist of thesis research and thesis presentation, the subject of which must be approved by the Master’s Candidate’s Student Advisor. Academic credit assessment and requirements are twelve (12) credit hours, equivalent of (4) four courses, for thesis research, and six (6) credit hours, equivalent of (2) two courses, for thesis presentation, totaling eighteen (18) credit hours.In place of a thesis a student with the Dean’s permission may choose to take eighteen credits (18) in their major or minor field.
Alternative Master’s Project: With the approval of the Student Advisor, as an alternative to a Master’s Thesis, students in some majors may produce an equivalent Master’s Project. The Master’s Project must be a significant original work, such as a book, play, production, or other significant work within the Master’s Degree Major, for which the Master’s Candidate has not been awarded academic credit applied to an undergraduate degree. The Master’s Project must be equivalent to the thesis project in respect to magnitude of effort and the end product, though different in structure and format.
Tuition: Master of Divinity: $11,700.00 ($130.00 X 90 credit hours).
All other Master’s Degree Programs Tuition: $7,800.00 ($130.00 X 60 credit hours).
The following are the HSU Master Degree Programs: With the approval of the Dean, the programs may be modified within the established parameters of minimum major and minor course requirements to meet the student’s academic needs and goals.
1. Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
2. Master of Christian Clinical Psychology (M.Min.)
3. Master of Theology Major: Biblical Studies (M.Th. or Th.M.)
4. Master of Ministry Major Pastoral/Christian Counseling (M.Min.)
6. Master of Ministry Major Missions or Evangelism (M.Min.)
7. Master of Ministry Major Media & Communications M.Min.)
9. Master of Ministry Major Christian Education (M.Min. or Ed.M.)
B) Doctoral Degree Programs
The Doctor’s Degree is so diversified, depending upon the individual applying to enter a program, we will design that program around the student’s particular area of interest. Students desire a program that will allow them to do research in the field to which God has called them. When a candidate enrolls in one of the doctoral programs at HSU, an appropriate advisor will be assigned to him or her to be available for consultation throughout the student’s pursuit for his or her Doctor’s Degree.
Prerequisite for Entrance
The Doctor’s Degree Program applicant must possess a Master’s Degree in the same or an equivalent major as the Doctor’s Degree Program for which application for entrance is being made or additional courses will be required.
Degree Requirements
The Doctoral Degree Program requires sixty (60) total credit hours, [except for Doctor of Christian Clinical Psychology and Doctor of Divinity which is ninety (90) credit hours] consisting of eight (8) assigned courses for twenty-four (24) credit hours; five (5) Elective/Internship courses for fifteen (15) credit hours; and dissertation and research for twenty-one (21) credit hours. The following lists of curricula are guides. Other courses may be substituted as long as the balance of types of courses is maintained in majors and minors – with the approval of the Dean.
A thirty-thousand (30,000) word dissertation of about 120 8 ½ X 11 pages double-spaced 12 point type, typewritten or computer, consisting of dissertation research and dissertation, the subject of which must be approved by the Doctors’ Candidate’s Student Advisor or Dean. Academic credit assessment and requirements is twelve (12) credit hours, equivalent of four (4) courses, for dissertation research, and nine (9) credit hours, equivalent of three (3) courses, for dissertation, totaling twenty-one (21) credit hours.
Alternative Doctoral Project
With the approval of the Student Advisor or Dean, as an alternative to a Doctor’s dissertation, students in some majors may produce an equivalent Doctor’s Project. The Doctor’s Project must be a significant original work, such as a book, play, production, or other significant work within the Doctoral Degree Major, for which the Doctor’s Candidate has not been awarded academic credit applied to an undergraduate or graduate degree. The Doctoral Project must be equivalent to the dissertation in respect to magnitude of effort and the end product, though different in structure and format. A counseling Internship is required for a Ph.D. in Christian Clinical Psychology.
Tuition: Doctor of Christian Clinical Psychology and Doctor of Divinity: $14,400.00 ($160.00 X 90 credit hours).
Tuition: All other Doctoral Degrees: $9,600.00 ($160.00 X 60 credit hours).
Doctoral Curricula
The following are the HSU Doctoral Degree Programs. With the approval of the Dean, the programs may be modified within the established parameters of minimum major and minor course requirements to meet the student’s academic needs and goals. NOTE: all students regardless of degree are required to take the two basic courses described before in the general information part.
1. Doctor of Divinity (D.D. or D.Div.)
2. Doctor of Philosophy Major Christian Clinical Psychology (Ph.D.)
3. Doctor of Ministry Major: Biblical Studies (D.Min.)
4.Doctor of Philosophy Major Pastoral/Christian Counseling (Ph.D.)
6. Doctor of Ministry Major Missions or Evangelism (D.Min.).
7. Doctor of Philosophy Major Christian Education (Ph.D. or Ed.D.)
9. Doctor of Ministry Major Media & Communications (D.Min.)